Application of Information & Communication Technologies (ICT)
UCERD Gathering Intellectuals Fostering Innovations
Unal Center of Educaiton Research & Development
UCERD Rawalpindi
Supercomputing Center
UCERD Murree
Course Description:
The Applications of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT) course provides a broad understanding of ICT principles and their applications across various sectors, including business, healthcare, and education. This course explores various foundational topics such as computer systems, programming, data structures, networking, cloud computing, and AI. Students will be introduced with the tools for programming, data analytics, and real-time machine learning applications, alongside ethical considerations in technology. Through case studies and hands-on projects, students will explore the transformative effects of emerging technologies and develop essential competencies for informed decision-making in diverse fields.

Learning Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate the significance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and its impact across various sectors, including business, healthcare, education, and entertainment.
2. Explain the concepts of emerging technologies and evaluate their transformative effects on different industries.
3. Apply data analytics concepts to effectively load, preprocess, summarize, and visualize data for informed decision-making.

1. Introduction ICT (Past Present and Future)

  • Basics of Computer System (CPU, RAM, ROM, IO Devices)

2. Basics of Programming.

  • Why we need programming.

3. Programming Tools with no programming background:

  • Teachable Machine
  • Scratch

4. Python Basics (understand only object related coding that would help later for Abstract Level AI).

  • Data
  • Data Structure
  • Data Bases

5. Compiler basic concept

6. Operating System

  • (Linux basic Understanding) and command shell intro

7. Introduction to Networking

8. Embedded IoT and Edge Computing

9. Cloud Computing

10. Data Visualization, Loading, Preprocessing

11. WebApp/Mobile Development,

12. AI and ML

13. Real-time ML

14. Ethics in Data and AI

15. Case Studies: Healthcare, Agriculture etc.

Cambridge IGCSE ICT 2nd Edition (download)

Information Communication Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (Download)

Prof. Tassadaq Hussain Cheema.
He did his Ph.D. from Barcelona-tech Spain, in collaboration with Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Microsoft Research Center.

More Details:

He is a member of HiPEAC: European Network on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation, Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Microsoft ResearchCentre Spain.
Until January 2018, he had more than 19 years of industrial experience including, Barcelona Supercomputing Centre Spain, Infineon technology France, Microsoft Research Cambridge, PLDA Italia, IBM Zurich Switzerland, and REPSOL Spain. He has published more than 80 international publications and filed 5 patents.

Tassadaq's main research lines are Machine Learning, Parallel Programming, Heterogeneous Multi-core Architectures, Single board Computers, Embedded Computer Vision, Runtime Resource Aware Architectures, Software Defined Radio and Supercomputing for Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Computing.